Chicago Rooftop Snow Removal Service

Ice dams are a very real threat in Chicago during the wintertime. They can damage not only your property, but potentially harm someone below. An ice dam is the result of snow left to accumulate on your rooftop. When the temperature rises, the snow begins to melt, and when it runs to the edge of the roof it encounters cold air and refreezes. This gradually builds up creating an ice dam that then holds back more runoff and snow. This cycle eventually leads to the dam becoming so heavy that it damages the roof, the exterior of your structure, and even, in extreme circumstances, whatever is underneath the dam when it fails and falls to the ground. These dams can also form around roof vents and skylights causing additional damage to your roof. Professional snow removal services from Perez Roofing Masonry INC is the best defense against the hazards of ice dam formation, so call our friendly

Fully Licensed & Insured Snow Removal Service

Your building’s roof is its most important defense against the elements. Any services performed on such a vital component to your property should be handled by licensed and insured professionals with a track record of successful snow removal service in the extreme winters of Chicago and the surrounding communities. Snow, when left to accumulate, can quickly become a very serious threat to the structural integrity of your roof. The heavy material needs to be professionally removed with the proper tools and techniques to avoid any damage to the underlying roofing material. Many of the flat roofing systems common in Chicago today need special attention when being cleared of snow, and most of the inexperienced day laborers offering cheap service will not have access to the tools or knowledge of the techniques. Letting experts handle the snow removal, experts who know your roofing system inside and out, is the only sure way to avoid damage.

Chicago Snow Clearing & Removal Company
When you need snow removal services done right by professionals with experience, insurance, and licensing, there’s only one name you need to know – Perez Roofing Masonry INC . We offer snow removal services to governmental, institutional, industrial, commercial, and multiunit residential buildings throughout Chicago and the surrounding communities. There’s literally no snow removal job we can’t handle, and, as with all of our services, your satisfaction is 100% guaranteed.